Usage: Embed the Shortcode into a Page

Shortcode Support

A Shortcode can be used inside posts / pages to show the print icons for the current post or page. The Shortcode is:

[[print_posts post="YOUR_POST_ID" pdf="yes" word="no" print="yes"]]

Default values

  • post = current post if no post id was set
  • pdf = yes
  • word = yes
  • print = yes


Also a Widget is included, so that you can place the icons on a sidebar, but only for the current post or page.

Include in Theme

If the icon position or sidebar does not fit your needs, you need to modify your Child Theme. Look out for the Position where you want to have the icons and then add the following code:

echo do_shortcode( '[[print_posts pdf="yes" word="yes" print="yes"]]' );

2 thoughts on “Usage: Embed the Shortcode into a Page

  1. Meena says:

    We can able to print the whole page/custom post type as pdf. And can we get any trial before buying this wordpress plugin

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