Frequently asked questions

Attributes & Groups are aligned right

Sometimes the grouped attributes or values are text aligned right, because of WooCommerce styles. Please add the following custom CSS to solve this problem: .woocommerce table.shop_attributes th { text-align: left; } .woocommerce...

I can not see the settings / options panel

You can find the everything inside your Admin Panel below WooCommerce > Attribute Groups. If not: Make sure the Redux Framework plugin is installed!

Change Color of Attribute Group, Name and Value

Add the following CSS: .shop_attributes tr.alt td.attribute_name, .shop_attributes tr td.attribute_name { color: blue !important; } .shop_attributes tr.alt td.attribute_value, .shop_attributes tr td.attribute_value { color: green...

How to delete or rename attribute group categories

To delete, rename or modify a new attribute group add this to your domain: /wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=attribute_group_categories&post_type=attribute_group Then you will get an overview of all...